Little Rock's Premier Men's Barbershop Chorus

Membership Information

We are always looking for men who enjoy singing and are ready to learn the techniques of the barbershop art. The Chorus provides sheet music, learning CDs and MP3s for each part, and plenty of encouragement and learning time to enable everyone to be comfortable singing from memory.  

When you visit with us, the Chorus Director Dr. Daron C Praetzel, would like to meet you privately for a few minutes to determine your voice range and singing experience.  This will allow him to place you in the Chorus in the best location for you.  There is no pressure for you to do anything you are not comfortable about!  After all, this is a hobby and everybody wants everybody else to enjoy it.

Please feel free to visit as many times as you like.  There is no pressure to join (although you will get several invitations!).  The only restriction is that you could not perform at a Society contest.  We think you will enjoy the experience so much that you will want to join the Society and the Chorus.

Since the Chorus is a part of the international Barbershop Harmony Society, part of your dues will go for national membership and part for local chapter membership. You get the national monthly magazine, the Harmonizer, use of Chorus-issued tuxedos and accessories, a membership packet with information about the Society and barbershop singing, and all the fellowship and encouragement you can stand!

If you would like to discuss membership further, at Chorus rehearsal ask for Stan McDougal, or email him.  Or you can phone 791-SING (7464).